07 June 2008

a short list of people who've got me during this rainy season

i will hang with anything these people do...

andrew bujalski is kind of like your life, only less interesting. which in turn makes you realize how boring your life really is, or at least how it might appear that way to an outsider. and that, in turn, makes you long for the type of lives being led by people in andrew bujalski films. it is a continuous cycle that has me wanting to rewatch mutual appreciation right now. so i can feel better and worse about my existence simultaneously. plus that dude is totally nathan cook...for real.

miranda july is the angel and devil on my shoulder. whispering in one ear that everything is beautiful while telling me that nothing from this point forward will ever be the same in the other. witness her thoughts in you and me and everyone we know on how technology pulls us away from our true longing, which is the community of others, by allowing us further into ourselves. just far enough to know we cant go back from the universe of our imagination to the uncertain world of interpersonal relations. and she just seems cool, read her blog about voting in an elementary school...it singlehandedly made me register.

clint bowyer is the greatest damn car driver that ever was and he drives the coolest looking car. carl edwards is a cheater.

if i were italian and grew up in the 60's, i would believe that ermanno olmi had the supernatural ability to peer into my mind and see through to my soul. i am connecting hardcore to the il posto mentality that if one buys a raincoat to impress a girl, the only thing one should plan on is being all wet. because the only thing a stylish raincoat does is prepare one to be rained on. and i totally dig the daydreaming at work vibe of i fidinzati because i often find myself daydreaming at work...usually of the same dancehall scenes that our protagonist fancies.

and finally, a request that will most definitely appear again on these pages. i dont know what needs to happen, whether someone needs to get off their ass, whether someone needs to come up with some money...i dont know. all i know is that i hope the stars align just right in the near future so i can quit asking this same question. whit stillman...when the heck are you gonna make another movie? its been like ten years and if i have to see one more mike white film before i see your next concoction i might have to bust a fucking cap...

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