19 May 2009

confucius says that a man who stands on a toilet is high on pot

there is an old proverb that reads something like, "give a man to fish, and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." and while normal, responsible, well adjusted people are meant to glean from this proverb messages about the importance of learning and civic reciprocation, i feel it is fair to say that there are a great number amongst us who look at that saying and think to themselves...woo hoo! free fish!

and one of the saddest things about our society is that we long ago set up a way of being that allows for this sort of anti-social darwinism. these days, not only do we attempt to teach people to fish, but our infrastructure allows for those unwilling to learn to be taken care of by the greater collective as a whole.

this systematic responsibility for the weak is so old, so interwoven into the fabric of the processes that make our society what it is that i hardly bat an eye at it anymore. but lately, within the confines of the system i have noticed a trend that i find even more disturbing, and one that takes my angst to another level entirely.

it seems that the people being given fish, as of late, are no longer happy with eating fish...they have decided that they want hamburgers. and even though we are struggling to provide enough fish, and could in no feasible way provide hamburgers, these dumb ass, non-fishermen somehow have convinced themselves that they actually deserve it. for what i have no idea.

empathy is a dangerous opiate that plays tricks on our humanity and ends up just cutting holes into the fabric of our society. these holes, left unchecked, expand to create huge rifts between the haves and the have-nots, leaving animosity on both sides in its wake.

for right now though, we gotta start teaching everybody to make some hamburgers...and we gotta just let go of the ones that refuse to learn how.

that's how much fuck fish.


troy myers said...

my grammar, as is, reads fine...what are your specific complaints?

mmaier2112 said...

I don't know, rereading it. Maybe I was on crack.

But rereading, I must take issue:
"empathy is a dangerous opiate that plays tricks on our humanity and ends up just cutting holes into the fabric of our society. these holes, left unchecked, expand to create huge rifts between the haves and the have-nots, leaving animosity on both sides in its wake."

Except what you are conflating "wealth redistribution" and "empathy". The two are not connected and never were.

Those pushing "empathic solutions" like welfare, Medicaid, Social Security and other idiocy are actual engaging in incremental class warfare to push us towards socialism.

There are shallow-thinking folks that buy into it and say "that sounds good" and vote for the bastards promoting it. But they don't (or can't) think past Stage One.

Real empathy is giving a druggie on the streets of Chicago a bottle of water when you're almost broke yourself.

Raising taxes on the entire country to pay for your pet projects is just stupid or a power play, depending on who you are.

Take the red pill, man.

troy myers said...

see michael, again, you make everything about politics. this was never meant to be an indictment of welfare, or health care or any other social institution...it was meant as an honest assesnment of the world we live in being filled with quite a few people who are unwilling or uninspired to ever attempt to be better, people who are more than willing to take everything given to them, be it pharmaceuticals, crap television programs, cum-chucker vodka, whatever...people who don't search, who don't strive to live a more fulfilling existence. that isn't a political thing, that is a typical human obnoxiousness thing...you know, the type of ass that calls me a fag for being well dressed and looking at art in fountain square...what gives that fuck the right to even share my atmosphere, especially when all i do is try to be better and more interesting than i was the day before.

the proof of this is my rather genius essay, which as we can see by our various takes, can really be all things to all people. my writing is inspiring and universal, dickface.