31 July 2008

looking forward into the past

well it seems that after a rather wretched summer movie season, things are getting back to normal. this weekend landmark is opening a brittish costume drama custom made for the "discerning" older crowd that they covet as well as a liberal guilt documentary that will show us just how great we are at being sympathetic americans. and by some stroke of miracle, they are actually opening something that i want to see.

but before i can get to that i have to ask one question...has enough time passed that we as a community are ready for a cinematic representation of nostalgia for way back in the day of 1994? i mean what's next, a period piece about the birth of the backstreet boys in good ole 96?

but all joking aside i want to see the wackness(dir. jonathan levine) i mean honestly, i remember the good old days of tribe called quest and the beginnings of biggie smalls. and while i am not so sure i feel old enough yet to put on the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia, i am interested in a film where the protagonist loses his virginity roughly around the same time i did.

and that's not all you get with this one. no, you also get little awesome goodies like sir ghandi smoking bud and making out with an olsen twin. rock! and i must say that much like the preview to the film, i too often spend far too much of my time daydreaming about a dancing olivia thirlby. this weekend i fully intend on beating the heat and getting into the air conditioned indoors for this one and i encourage you to as well.

other than that i am looking forward to the controversy sure to be caused by my public (hopefully) taking the time to read this, as it is the type of objective, thoughful review that my (probably well earned) reputation as a rabel rouser wouldn't allow my people to see when i tried to do similar. try to keep an open mind and enjoy!

and after reading adam nayman's baller article, hopefully you will have a mind opened sufficiently enough to get really adventurous and go see a film that shows how the other half lives. (and by the other half i mean china, roughly half the worlds population) go see still life by genius jia zhang ke at the indianapolis art center on tuesday at 7pm. jia is incredible and his unflinching eye toward humanism caught in the teeth of impending industrial revolution is heartbreaking, yet also often breathtaking to behold. i will be there and if i see you there we will definitely discuss afterwards. good times.

and lastly, i am looking forward to showing you this, the best trailer ever for a movie i have no chance in hell of seeing.

have a nice weekend.


Ryan Micheel said...

Heather is also all about the Beverly Hills Chihuahua trailer. Is it just me or is that movie about 10 years too late.

troy myers said...

busby berkley using toy dogs is pretty eternal and to me always right on time.