17 July 2008

what there is to look forward to

as you may have seen on the my life in lists blog, next week there will be a public screening of the sam fuller film pickup on south street at the mass ave videostore. if you have not seen this film, we at beer cannes implore you to take the time and do so, as it is a reminder that having a quick pace and developing characters well are not mutually exclusive qualities of action oriented films. it really is just a real strong, tough, anti-everything, balls out, sweaty, winner of a movie, and that's from a guy that usually doesn't enjoy action/adventure/crime cinema.

another big positive and something i am most definitely looking forward to is that the indianapolis museum of art is opening a new theater which we here strongly endorsed as it is important to inspiring a more interesting/educated culture if there is an intersection of history, art, and the cinema available for public consumption. look at what the cinematheque francais did for the french new wave...and i know...it's indianapolis...but...i'm just saying.

i will only see batman if i go watch it at the imax or at tibbs drive in, the greatest place in town. i think i'm gonna have to opt for the imax on this one seeing how its like 326 degrees outside right now and it's huge running time would throw off any attempt at the tibbs triple feature. and, of course there is the fact that outside of the prestige, which was actually pretty good, i really couldn't give a crap about christopher nolan's entire slick huckster output, and might opt out entirely. this dude really is one step from brett ratner, mc g territory here; he's definitely in the waiting room with luke greenfield to be in the club that isn't fit to lick a good hollywood director like doug liman's ball sack.

seriously though, its hot as heck, you have probably been working way too hard and over the next week you should sit back and get yourself a netflix. beer cannes recommends boarding gate. it's another huge winner from the most prolific producer of winners working today, olivier assayas, a man i need to start remembering when i make my best of lists. he is awesome. period.


Ryan Micheel said...

A lady at the library said some art organization was building a new theatre, but she couldn't remember which organization. So thanks for answering that question. I clicked on the link. Instead of voting for the French New Wave films, they should just show all five.

Jason L. Maier said...

Let it be pointed out that you have a link on your page that sells not 1 but 2 Michael Bay movies (even if they are both guilty pleasures of mine). I am a little scared of them calling these CINEMA WORTH SAVING...



troy myers said...

i actually kind of like michael bay as well. in ways both good and bad, he is the cinema of pure penis. but really that is nothing compared to the guilty pleasure i am going to drop in my next post...