06 September 2008

top five things shane white doesn't care about

you asked for it...

1. personal hygeine...smell for yourself

2. books...can shane even read?

3. beers 4,5, and 6 of a six pack...because the first three get him ripped. lightweight.

4. anything cool...i mean you've seen his dvd collection right?

5. baghead...i don't know if he cares about this at all, but i wanted to mention it because it would have been the subject of my typical thursday "what i'm looking forward to post," but those jackasses who book films at landmark hate young people and only chose to schedule it twice a day because fifty five year old carmel bitches don't want to drag their bloated, browbeaten husbands to go see it.

and it depressed me so much that i just couldn't blog all week, until i listened to the wu-tang.

after laughter, comes tearz...

cinema is for the children

and as for monday's berr cannes selects...watch the duplass brothers awesome and hillarious puffy chair...especially after you go out and enjoy baghead as much as you will.

there that takes care of my weekly business in one nice concise package. i will be back at full force next week to hit you off with the raw.

beer cannes is for the children.

1 comment:

Ryan Micheel said...

The Landmark bookers don't hate young people. The only thing young people do in droves at Keystone is stay away. If the bookers listened exclusively to the elderly we wouldn't play subtitled films at all, but we would have played Mr. Brooks, August Rush, The Martian Child, The Bucket List, Bonneville and we would most definitely be opening The Express. Apathy in the film going youth is depressing.

Baghead has done pretty terrible everywhere (including a $300 per screen average over last week's 4 day weekend). All in all, for 2 shows a day we aren't doing horrible with it, but it will (probably) not be here after Thursday.