04 June 2008

hero worship

there has always been a line in the movie breathless that has bothered me. along the way there is a discussion about the relative populaces of france and the united states, and during the dialogue jean paul belmondo states that americans are lame because they like maurice chevalier and that m. chevalier is the worst of all frenchmen. while this line would not be out of line for belmondo's character, a rougish, bogart obsessied thug, i often wonder how much of it was the character as it was godard.

this would be one hero in my pantheon attacking another. i feel i might have to choose a side. on one is godard. and he has the added advantage of having the lines flow from the figure of mr. fucking cool himself, jpb. on the other is poor monsieur chevallier, unable to defend himself. with a champion's effort, i spring forward to his rescue. displaying that this site is not above hero worship, i tell jlg that he is wrong...maurice chevallier is a fucking boss pimp...and you(and belmondo) as a fellow boss pimp should just ease up and respect his game. i still love you jean-luc...now go to your room. and watch one hour with you.

i give you maurice chevalier


Ryan Micheel said...

Mr. Chevalier is also in the exquisite Love Me Tonight. A film, hard to believe was made only a couple of years into the sound era. By the time Breathless was made, he was unfortunately most remembered for being creepy in Gigi. As far as that line being Godard's opinion, no other director in the history of film besides Quentin Tarentino thinks their opinion is fact in the same way and that every character in their respective movies must spew said opinions like their gospel.

troy myers said...

irony of irony, i actually have the netflix copy of love me tonight sitting on top of my dvd player waiting for me to watch it.
i suppose part of my problem is that i find godard allows jpb to chew the scenery in a manner similar to maurice. belmondo dominates the frame, implicates the audience as a cohort, and generally mugs for the camera in a way that suggests the chevallier role in the lubitsch film. a little bit of hipocracy on the part of jlg. not the first or last time ingongruence pops up.